Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jumping on the bandwagon

I've given in and decided to become a blogger. After 5 days of modified bed rest during my twin pregnancy, I realize that I need an outlet for the stress, excitement, frustrations, and more, as I lay on the couch (or bed).

Bed rest was always lingering on the horizon since I learned that we were having twins. I always took it was more of a suggestion than anything else. My OB prescribes preventative bed rest for all multiples pregnancies starting at 26 weeks. For me, this was orientation week and the first week of school- both things I couldn't miss. Beginning at 28 weeks I began working less and spending as much time as possible relaxing. This meant changing my daily routine; finding people to pick up my 2 1/2 year old from school each day, having to rely on my husband to do the household chores, etc. As someone who doesn't like down time, even this small adjustment felt like a lot. After spending a few hours in L&D for contractions at 29w (which were easily stopped with the terbutaline shot and beta shots for the babies' lungs), I began taking my bed rest seriously. I now spend my entire day laying down (or reclining slightly so I can see my laptop) other than a shower in the morning and eating one meal at the table. I have to plan my entire day to whether I will be spending it upstairs in my room or downstairs on the couch since I only have stair privileges once a day. Once again, most of this is preventative, but the less activity I do, the more likely these babies will keep cooking! The goal is for them to not arrive before 36 weeks... hopefully bed rest will be over before that though!

Fast forward 5 days and I've now read every mommy blog under the sun, finished all 3 seasons of Parenthood on Netflix, done as much work from home as I can, finished 2 books, created an online scrapbook for A's first year and napped a lot. I'm realizing I'm going to need to get much more creative in order to make it through the next 6ish weeks! So.... blog it is! 

Today's highlight:

After my ultrasound appointment this morning (my only allowed activity is driving to and from the Dr) I took the opportunity to drive through Starbucks. Between the beautiful weather with the breeze in my car and my Pumpkin Spice Latte I feel like a human again for a few minutes. It's the little things :)